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Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy (CPAP ) helps patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to breathe more easily during sleep. The CPAP machine improves air pressure in the throat so that airways don’t collapse when breathing in.
BiPAP stands for Bi level Positive Airway Pressure and has almost the same functioning and design as a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. A BiPAP machine is a non-invasive form of ventilation. It delivers pressurised air through a mask to the patient’s airways. The air pressure stops the throat muscles from collapsing and reduces obstructions, acting as a splint. These machines allow patients to breathe easily.
How does it help?
- BiPAP/CPAP can be helpful for patients with cardiopulmonary disorders such as (non-hypotensive) congestive heart failure.
- It is often prescribed for people with lung disorders (COPD/Asthma) or certain neuromuscular disorders.
- The therapy is effective in terms of clinical status and improvement in blood gas levels.
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